Yeast is part of a general family called Candida. Varieties of yeast are in all humans. Usually the body is able to keep them in line. However, on occasions, stress, toxins or immunity breakdowns can allow yeast to multiply to a point where the simple numbers (and their effect on the body) becomes what we call a yeast infection.
The most common form of yeast to cause a problem is candida albicans – but there are otherkinds of candida and body reactions also. Treatment by conventional medicine really should recognize what form of candida they are treating to be really effective. Even then, it often doesn’t fully take care of the problems.
What we offer is is a natural treatment that, at the very least, has been clinically shown to greatly improve the results of conventional treatment. We don’t object to supplementing conventional medicine but people have used these natural nutrients, by themselves, with excellent results! Even to people going the natural route for personal reasons, we recommend keeping your personal physician aware you are doing so since candida can be serious.
The system is simple and applies to all forms of yeast infections. It goes like this:
1. Attack the yeast directly by the use of monolaurin and lactoferrin. Both are part of mother’s milk that work by different routes to kill yeast.
2. Remove the toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.) and pesticides that may have weakened the body to allow the yeast to multiply in the first place (our Ultimate Detox).
3. Take a good multi-vitamin/nutrient, like the Ultimate Foundation, to give your body the nutrients it needs to fight against yeast infection itself.
There are other articles in our A-Z Index under Candida Yeast Infections, Lactoferrin, andMonolaurin that explains more and gives some of the clinical studies showing results and references.