Vaccines – Hang in there, Sandra.
Sandra is a concerned grandma who’s probably a lot like you: She doesn’t want the little ones in her family pumped full of vaccines… but she’s been getting guff from know-it-all “friends” who think children are human pincushions. She’s looking for a little more information to share with them.
I’ll do you one better, Sandra: I’ll tell you how to fight and win an argument with the pro-vaccine crowd every single time… or at least reduce your nemesis to a stammering pool of frustrated jelly.
Ask Three Simple Questions:
1) Are vaccines safe?
Your “friends” will insist they are… and maybe even repeat the claim that the autism link has been discredited. It hasn’t. But you know what? You can disarm them by conceding that point… because you don’t need it to win.
Instead, point to Gardasil, the dangerous HPV vaccine linked to dozens of deaths and thousands of adverse events. Point to the swine flu shots that caused people to pass out, get sick and drop dead.
And then go for the jugular with a recent headline, because you’ll always find something like this: Japan reports sixth infant death after vaccination? That’s from just a couple of weeks ago, before the disaster there. Does that sound safe to you?
2) Do vaccines save lives?
The needle-pushers will look at you like you’re crazy and say, “Of course they do.” Just ask for proof — because there isn’t any.
But you can prove they don’t save lives, because the research on flu shots is crystal clear: In years when there are shortages, or when the vaccines don’t match the dominant strain, there’s no surge in flu deaths as would be the case if the vaccine was “saving” everyone the rest of the time. In fact, there’s almost no change in the death rate at all.
3) Are vaccines even necessary?
Your nemeses will no doubt start repeating some sob story they found on the Internet about someone who died of an obscure disease… but forget the anecdotal tales and just look at the numbers. All the major diseases supposedly eradicated by vaccines were on the decline BEFORE those injections came on the scene.
And when these diseases hit today, they’re often nothing to worry about. The last big measles outbreak, for example, had a death rate of about a quarter of a percent. Your debate partners may start frothing at the mouth at this point. Don’t get too close. Ignorance is contagious — and there’s no vaccine for that.
The Shot We Forgot
America skips out on flu vaccinations
What a difference a year makes. Last winter, you couldn’t get a flu shot if you begged for one… while this season, they can’t give the things away. The chain pharmacies banked big on another round of flu fear this year — and now, they’re sitting on millions and millions of unused doses. It was such an epic miscalculation that they’re feeling their own chills as stock prices take a hit.
And if you’re among the two-thirds of Americans who’ve said no to the needle, don’t worry… because the latest science backs you up. What’d I tell ya?
Researchers from The Cochrane Collaboration examined 50 studies — including 40 clinical trials — on flu vaccinations, and found only the most minimal of benefits: slightly fewer symptoms, and slightly fewer work days missed among those who get the shot.
But they found zippo in just about every other measure – including no reduction in the rate of complications such as hospitalizations and pneumonia, and no evidence that flu shots slow the spread of the disease.
On the other hand, they found plenty of evidence of funny business. “The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions and spurious notoriety of the studies,” they wrote. They also discovered that studies with no Big Pharma backing were “significantly less likely to report conclusions favorable to the vaccines.” Coincidence? Not a chance!
While I’m on the topic, I’ve got a special warning for seniors. They’re coming after us hard this year with a whole lot of mumbo jumbo about the new Fluzone High Dose shot. It comes with some “high dose” risks, too. Just check out this classic bit of doublespeak from the CDC: “The safety profile of Fluzone High-Dose vaccine is similar to that of regular flu vaccines although adverse events (which are also reported after regular flu vaccines) were reported more frequently after vaccination with Fluzone High-Dose.”
So let me get this straight: It’s similar. No wait, it’s worse. No wait, it’s similar, but only because the regular flu shot is already bad. But it’s also worse. It’s like watching a lunatic argue with himself, and lose.
Allow me to simplify: High dose or low dose, the only flu shot you need is no dose.
I’m not done with vaccines… keep reading for the latest on HPV.
Oral sex fears used to push vaccines
Oral sex will kill you… unless you get an HPV shot! Don’t panic because it ain’t true… just the latest fear-mongering being used to sell HPV vaccines.
A new study finds that up to 50 percent of men are infected with HPV, the virus responsible for some head and neck cancers — and it can be spread through oral sex. What they won’t tell you, of course, is that the virus is almost always harmless and almost always tossed right out of the body.
Nope… instead, Big Pharma, the feds and the media are all using this study to push HPV vaccines. Once given only to girls supposedly to prevent cervical cancer, now they want boys to get it to prevent head and neck cancers.
But you heard it here first: Those cancers are already declining across the board. Any further decline is just a continuation of this trend… but you can bet that in a couple of years, they’ll claim it’s because of the vaccine.
Here’s another fact you won’t read anywhere else: Head and neck cancer patients with the HPV virus are actually five times MORE likely to survive the diseases than those who don’t have the virus, according to the National Cancer Institute. On the one hand, that could simply mean that the forms of the disease caused by HPV aren’t deadly. But, on the other hand, what if HPV is actually somehow protecting those cancer patients… and now we’re vaccinating people so they don’t get it?
Crazy? Until it’s studied, you can’t rule it out. And that means an HPV vaccine will at best protect you from a cancer that won’t kill you… and, at worst, turn a non-deadly disease into a battle for your life.
Sounds like a lose-lose to me, especially when you consider the other risks of these vaccines. One of them, Gardasil, has been linked to dozens of deaths and counting… not to mention thousands of reports of side effects in the girls who’ve gotten it so far. And now they want to give it to boys, too?
No thanks.