(This article comes from the newsletter of one of the most respected natural health doctors in the country, Dr. Whitaker. I am also aware of a recent study claiming there is no connection between autism and vaccines. However, the funding of the study makes the results very suspicious. Always follow the money trail.)
The forced toxification of our children with multiple vaccines is Armageddon – the struggle between good and evil. The stakes are high. This is not a movie. Evil is winning!
The forced childhood vaccination program endured by American families is, in my opinion, the single greatest threat this country has ever faced. This program is destroying our most valuable assets, our children. Because of the damage already done, millions of them will be unable to work, marry, or raise families of their own. This nightmare has nothing to do with medical science, good or bad. It’s the result of a breakdown in the checks and balances of our government and a suspension of what we Americans value most, our individual freedoms. There is a solution – but first, the problem.
Vaccines Cause Autism
In any human community, if a child is reported missing, everyone immediately joins in the search. Men and women, like all mammals, are genetically endowed with powerful intrinsic urges to protect and guard our young.
But what happens when a child is missing, yet his or her body remains at home? That’s as good a description of autism as any other. And what do you do when you realize that millions of children have disappeared into the abyss of autism, leaving their bodies behind?
Folks, autism is not a disease or a developmental disorder. It is diffuse, severe brain damage caused almost exclusively by conglomerates of toxic substances put into vaccines and injected into pregnant women, newborns, infants, children, and adolescents.
Autism Rates Have Soared
Fifty years ago, autism was identified in only 1 in 10,000 kids. And in the early 1980s, the rates ranged from 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 5,000.
In 2007, according to a large US Department of Health and Human Services survey, it was 1 in 91, and among children of active military personnel, it’s 1 in 88! To date, there are at least two and a half million autistic children in this country, and the number of students enrolled in special education has increased by 30 percent in the past decade alone.
Let’s do some simple math based on these solid statistics. Beginning in 1990, when the mass vaccination program took off, the incidence of autism and autism spectrum disorder in children exploded. The projections indicate that by the year 2032, virtually all male children will be diagnosed with autism or autism spectrum disorder, followed by all girls in 2041. Autistic kids will surely outnumber normal kids in the relatively near future. How will
our society function if all kids age 10 and younger are so disabled? This is the most frightening projection I can possibly imagine, and it is simple math!
What is going on? The one obvious and absolute constant for these skyrocketing numbers of autistic and learning-disabled children is vaccinations. Over the last 25 years, the number of vaccinations forced upon our children has virtually exploded. Why? Are measles, mumps, chicken pox, and flu really that dangerous? In my opinion, irrevocable harm caused by vaccinations is infinitely worse than the diseases we vaccinate against!
Manufacturers Have No Liability
Why is this happening? First, let’s examine the breakdown of checks and balances in our government. In 1986, a reluctant President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This law decrees, “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” (Public Law 99-660)
Now, why would Congress and President Reagan eliminate all liability from Big Pharma for their obviously dangerous but highly profitable vaccines and assume it themselves? The answer to that question is purely diabolical.
The drug companies essentially told Congress and the President, “Yes, the vaccines we created for children (can be) toxic. They are designed to make them sick in order to stimulate an immune response, and they contain highly toxic ingredients that (can) cause serious side effects, including death. Therefore, if you don’t eliminate our liability, we will never be able to implement our master plan for mass vaccination of American children, because we could never withstand the judicial scrutiny of vaccine damage in courts of law.”
In short, liability for vaccine injuries was removed from the pharmaceutical companies because the vaccines were too toxic to withstand judicial scrutiny. Just imagine, 100,000 families suing Merck because their children were destroyed only days after receiving MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccinations! What is their defense? “Well, your honor, they are probably protected from measles.”
Isn’t that why we have judicial scrutiny? It protects us from exactly what is now happening with these horrifically toxic vaccines. In place of judicial scrutiny, this law created an “Office of Special Masters” composed of scientists and others who determine if harm has been done and if compensation is warranted.
The decisions of these “special masters” carry the force of law. They have passed out over $2 billion to families of damaged children, and guess who paid it? Not the drug companies, but you and I-taxpayers who had nothing to do with the manufacture or the administration of these toxic products!
If this law had not eliminated all of Big Pharma’s (particularly Merck’s) liability for vaccine-related injuries, there would be no forced vaccination program.
Children Are Forced to Be Vaccinated
The second reason for this horrific nightmare is the suspension of our civil liberties. Big Pharma has convinced the government to force parents to submit their children to whatever vaccines they produce, no matter how stupid or toxic.
If you as a parent decided you did not want your child to have 52 doses of 14 toxic vaccines before age six, you couldn’t just say no. You would have to go through a lengthy and time-consuming process of getting an exemption. Such processes vary from state to state.
Folks, whenever a government uses force on its citizens, it always becomes more harsh. In 2007, Prince George’s County, Maryland, State’s Attorney Glenn F. Ivey and the chairman of the school board, Owen Johnson, implemented a vaccine roundup. They issued summons to parents of more than 2,300 children who had not provided certificates of immunization. Parents were told to appear in court on a Saturday to subject their children to on-the-spot, state-mandated vaccinations-up to 17 doses-or face imprisonment.
According to Katherine Serkes of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, “This campaign of intimidation to brutally enforce blanket vaccine mandates by the government agencies and the school district gives no consideration for the rights of the parents or the individual medical condition of the child.”
Money and politics were at the center of this vaccine roundup and threats. The school district stood to lose a substantial amount of funding if students didn’t comply with the state’s vaccine mandates. “Apparently, the district wants that money,” said Serkes, “even if it gets it off the backs of children.”
What is the difference between this activity in the state of Maryland and tyranny elsewhere in the world? There is no difference. Serkes went on to say, “It’s not just local now, and parents across the country are ready to fight.”
Vaccine Propaganda
Proponents of this insanity try to justify this despotism with fear tactics. They say that without forced vaccination, there will be a return of major epidemics, and children’s bodies will stack up in the streets. That’s just a bald-faced lie, and they know it!
What vaccine propagandists will not tell you is that widespread illness and death rates from virtually every infectious disease we vaccinate against were dropping rapidly and were, in fact, almost eradicated before vaccines even came onboard.
Nor will they tell you that the true conquerors of the infectious diseases that have killed millions were not vaccines at all, but improved standards of living, cleaner food, and elimination of water-borne pathogens. But you can’t charge billions of dollars every year for improved hygiene and living conditions.
Also, why are we still vaccinating for polio when a case of wild polio hasn’t occurred in the United States in
more than 30 years? When a team wins the Super Bowl, they all go home. But not the vaccine guys. They frighten you by saying, “Polio might come back, so we need to vaccinate 6 million kids every year.” That’s nonsense.
The Amish, for example, and millions of children who receive legal exemptions or are homeschooled don’t get vaccinated – and they don’t get polio either. The vaccine propagandists maintain that these children are protected by the large cocoon of vaccinated kids. This is only a presumption; there’s no hard evidence to back this up.
We Must Stop the Madness
There are only two things that can stop this madness.
First: parents must have the right to decide what is injected into their children.
Second: liability must be borne by the pharmaceutical companies.
If these two things happen, we might recover from this nightmare. If they don’t, armed guards will be escorting our children to vaccination centers and, within a few decades, our children-and our country-will be destroyed. Many of you will live to see this devastation. But most of your children and grandchildren will be so damaged by vaccinations that they will not even notice it. They will be lost in autism. That, my friends, is simple math.
My Recommendations
This is obviously an emergency. Send a copy of this article to (friends and family).
Read The Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children. It features chapters by more than 20 experts in scientific, legal, ethical, and other fields.
Read The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill. It examines the rise of autism and the role mercury and vaccines play in this increase.
Watch Vaccine Nation and Autism: Made in the USA. These DVDs, directed by Gary Null, tell a compelling story about the damaging effects of vaccines.
(You can order these online or from Dr. Whitaker’s Freedom of Health Foundation’s website, thefhf.org, or call 800-792-4269. For every $60 donation, you will receive one book and one DVD; $100 donors will receive all of the books and DVDs listed above.)
Habakus LK and Holland M. The Vaccine Epidemic. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing; 2011.
Hernandez N. Get kids vaccinated or else, parents told. Washington Post. Nov 14,2007.
Kogan MD, et al. Prevalence of parent-reported diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder among children in the US, 2007. Pediatrics. 2009 Nov;124(S):139S-1403.
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. National Law Library. http://www.jurisearch.com/NLLXML/getcode.asp?datatyp
e=S&statecd= US&sessionyr=2008& TOCId=41074&userid= PRODSG&cvfilename=&Interface=&noheader=O
Olmsted D and Blaxill M. The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic. New York, NY: Thomas Dunne
Books; 2010.
Serkes K. Doctors oppose Maryland vaccine roundup: expect dangerous reactions when children are treated like cattle.
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Nov 16, 2007.