Fibrin Dissolving Enzymes
The Best Enzymes to Dissolve Fibrin Scar Tissue,
Cysts, Cirrhosis and Scar Tissue Issues!
Include Systemic Enzymes:
Serrapeptase, Nattokinsae, Papain,
Bromelain, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Step 1. Fibrin Dissolving Enzymes – to dissolve the fibrin in scar tissue and cysts.
Step 2. Monolaurin – to kill any bacterial infection.
Step 3. Inflammation Control – to reduce chronic inflammation.
Step 1: Fibrin Enzymes (Essential)
There are many possible causes of scar tissue and cysts. Scar tissue involves:
• Inflammation - from some infection, trauma or attack - leading to: • Fibrin Production - a result of chronic inflammation - causing: • Excessive Scar Tissue - excess fibrin to form scar tissue (and cyst coatings)!
Step 1 - to dissolve this scar tissue and cysts!
What forms Scar Tissue and Cysts?
1. Regardless of the scar tissue cause, inflammation is the result! Inflammation causes a buildup of fibrin – a protein fiber that dies, packs together and helps form scar tissue. 2. Cysts can form when some bacterial infections form a fibrin protective coating, or "husk", around them (a few can have fat membranes).
The good news is that a blend of the right enzymes can help dissolve this fibrin scar tissue!
Out of 10,000+ enzymes, there are 5 enzymes we recommend that are very good at dissolving the protein in the fibrin strands that make up scar tissue and cyst coatings. Depending on how much scar tissue is built up, 4-9 months of these natural Fibrin Enzymes can dissolve much of it away.
As a bonus, these enzymes also stimulate the body to increase its production of plasmin, a body enzyme that also helps in the process of dissolving fibrin scar tissue!
(Link to: Fibrin Dissolving Herbs – Google Search.)
(Note: Is this a Cure? These five enzymes don’t heal the cause of the scar tissue or cysts. However, they can help to dissolve the scar tissue and cysts that come from fibrin.)
Step 2: Monolaurin (needed if a bacterial release)
Monolaurin is also incredibly effective at killing all pathogen bacteria. There are, literally, hundreds of clinical studies on it (link below). It is not expensive, very safe and no side effects in hundreds of clinical studies.
It can kill any bacteria released by dissolving cysts in the body. It also has many other benefits that make it worth considering as a safeguard. Monolaurin Information Here.
“BTW, the Monolaurin has made me symptom free from the hcv, I am 62, still working construction, and do weight lifting. This can’t be done with a bum liver (infection). The monolaurin is a life saver. My doctor was impressed with my improved blood chemistry.” – Arthur, KY
(Link to more: Testimonies.)
(Link to: Monolaurin Pellets – Google Search.)
Step 3: Inflammation Relief (helpful, but not essential)
Chronic inflammation leads to the production of fibrin. When fibrin builds up, it dies and becomes what we call scar tissue. There is some inflammation lowering action with the enzymes in the Biofilm Enzymes, so the Inflammation Blend of herbs are not essential for mild cases.
However, for those that have room for it in their budget, the inflammation relief nutrients can help lead to a long-term lowering of more serious chronic inflammation results. This included reducing future scar tissue buildup – without the side effects of drugs!
(Link to: Inflammation Articles.)
(Link to: Inflammation Blends – Google Search.)
The Fibrin Dissolving Enzymes
1. Serrapeptase – 104,125 SPU i.u.
Serrapeptase is a relatively new ‘rising star’ enzyme on its way to becoming the biggest enzyme of all time. It is in wide clinical use throughout Europe and Asia as an anti-inflammatory and fibrin dissolver for 25 years. The silkworm uses this enzyme to dissolve its fibrin cocoon, so the winged creature is able to emerge and fly away.
Obviously, if it can dissolve cocoon fibrin, we have an interest in it dissolving scar tissue and cysts. Even nicer, serrapeptase has been found to be effective at dissolving only non-living fibrin (scar tissue)! It even crosses the blood brain barrier!
2. Nattokinsae – 1,500 fu
Studies have confirmed that this enzyme also dissolves fibrin and fibrin coatings in cysts! Clinical reports from doctors show it dissolves branched fibrin. Both in-vitro and in-vivo studies have consistently demonstrated the potent anti-fibrin effect of nattokinase.
“Plasmin” is the body’s natural enzyme for dissolving fibrin and the properties of nattokinase are similar to plasmin! Nattokinase also enhances the production of the body’s plasmin. However, in-vivo studies also show the activity of nattokinase is stronger than that of plasmin.
(Note:) It does thin the blood by dissolving the fibrin that made it thicker in the first place, so we recommend checking with your doctor if you are taking another drug blood thinner.)
Additional Support Blend: – 590 mg.
3. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) contains bioactive flavonoids (e.g., hesperidin, resveratrol, and naringenin). Many studies indicate these to be especially effective in breaking down cysts and fibrin – and with far fewer side effects! Dr. Brorson’s research showed, “The highest GSE concentrations made the bacteria and cysts disappear completely, leaving only small uncharacteristic fragments. At lower GSE-levels the membranes showed herniation and disruption, and the contents had leaked out.
4. Bromelain
Bromelain is the key enzyme in pineapple. It is a proteolytic enzymes capable of digesting the protein in fibrin. Like serrapeptase, bromelain is also effective in reducing inflammation by blocking chemical signals called cytokines, which promote and increase inflammation.
5. Papain
Like the other enzymes we use, papain is a protein-dissolving enzyme from the green papaya fruit. Papain is able to dissolve up to 2,000x its weight in fibrin! We like that. Papain also increases the body’s ability to produce plasmin.
(Magnesium and Zinc are also included to help all these enzymes work better.)