Candida yeast is part of a general family called Candida. Varieties of yeast are in all humans. Usually, the body is able to keep them in check. However, on occasion, stress, toxins or immunity breakdowns can allow a yeast to multiply to a point where the simple numbers (and their effect on the body) becomes what, in this case, we call a candida yeast infection.
Candida comes in different varieties and locations in the body. Fortunately, we are able to work with all of them very effectively with our Monolaurin natural supplement. Some are tougher, so let’s take a look and see what is involved.
The medical world has now begun to recognize that candida can also build anchoring, defensive barriers for self-protection. These barriers, called “biofilms” can prevent candida medications from reaching all of the candida. Thankfully, we recognized biofilms long ago in working with Lyme disease and MRSA staph infections. We have been able to develop Bio-Fibrin, a natural supplement, to dissolve the biofilms so the Monolaurin can get to the candida behind them.
We’ll give links to these products below but, first, let’s learn a little more about candida.
Candida Varieties
Many people struggling with yeast infections just refer to themselves as just having a problem with ‘candida’. But in reality there are over 150 subspecies of candida. Thankfully only 6 are typically associated with infections in humans. These are:
Candida Albicans – is, by far, the most commonly known, typically accounting for about 50% of cases around the globe.
Candida Tropicalis – accounts for 15-20% of cases. It is not usually as aggressive as candida albicans.
Candida Glabrata – accounts for 15-20% of cases and is especially serious with AIDS.
Candida Parapsilosis – accounts for 15-20% of cases, especially in Europe, and is highly resistant to antimicrobial drugs.
Candida Krusei – is a rare species, usually only around 1% of cases, especially in infantile diarrhea and occasionally systemic candidiasis. Immunosuppressant medications, like a steroid, can encourage it. It can be very serious.
Candida Lusitaniae – is another rare species type, usually involved in septicemia and/or pyelonephritis cases.
Candida krusei and tropicalis are the most capable in forming biofilms and hyphae that anchor the candida. Candida albicans can do a bit of that but also produces phospholipase and proteinase to help them adhere and stick to cells. Both conditions require the use of Bio-Fibrin to dissolve and remove these protective abilities.
What Can Be Done About Candida?
In general, the healthier you are (eating well, resting, exercising, avoiding toxins, etc.) the stronger your immune system. A healthy immune system is key to keeping any infection at bay and fighting off candida infections. Follow a low sugar diet plan to deny the Candida colonies the food they need to expand and grow.
However, if you are looking at this article, you or someone you know probably already has a candida problem. We use Monolaurin (clinically shown to kill candida) and Bio-Fibrin for the biofilms with excellent results. We are not opposed to conventional treatments and, if following one and adding our protocol, we recommend keeping your personal physician aware you are doing so.
Where is the Candida Located?
1. For Systemic candida (throughout the body), we can attack the yeast directly by the use of our Monolaurin pellets and Bio-Fibrin capsules taken orally.
2. For Vaginal candida, we recommend our same Monolaurin in a cream form, inserted with an syringe from an inexpensive drug store product (we are not allowed to sell them).
3. For Digestive candida, the monolaurin is less effective because it tends to be digestive and absorbed before being able to do its job in the digestive tract. We have seen anything consistently good here. Abundant probiotics seems to be nature’s way.
Amount and Time Length
Follow our Monolaurin Instructions. Most adults use 1 scoop (tsp) 2-3x a day, with meals. Most candida is gone in 4-6 weeks but can longer if biofilms are involved.
Additional (but not essential) Helpful Supplements
- A good Detox that helps remove the toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.) and pesticides that may have weakened the body to allow the yeast to multiply in the first place is a consideration.
- A good Probiotic, like Vitacost’s 15-30 probiotic, helps good bacteria “push out” bad things.
Here is a link to our A-Z Topics, where more Candida, Monolaurin and Biofilm articles can be found alphabetically.