Many people are aware that the better forms of Vitamin E have not just 1 but 4 forms of tocopherols. Not too many people know there are actually 4 more forms of Vitamin E (8 in all) called tocotrienols, that have some amazing effects! Our Foundation multivitamins, and some of our other products, include them! We thought you might like to know why.)
Tocotrienols (toe-co-try-en-all, a cousin of Vitamin E).
The big difference from regular Vitamin E is that the trienol has a 30% shorter unsaturated “tail”. This shorter tail allows for more mobility among cells, better antioxidant function, and an ability to help regulate cholesterol.
In 1991, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published three studies, triggering an explosion in scientific interest in tocotrienols.
The Cholesterol Help is Powerful!
Including E – tocotrienols are important to help…
- Lower LDL and total cholesterol 15%, triglycerides 20%
- Increase your protective HDL cholesterol 8%
- Increase your body’s production of CoQ10 20%
Tocotrienols Deliver 5 Kinds of Protection
1. Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels – while boosting CoQ10 levels!
As you know, the cholesterol in your diet is only 15-20% of your cholesterol levels. Your liver produces 80% of your body’s cholesterol.
Your liver uses an enzyme called HMG co-reductase to manufacture cholesterol in your body. (Statin drugs target HMG to lower your cholesterol – unfortunately, also partially blocking your body’s production of CoQ10.)
Tocotrienols inhibit this enzyme without blocking CoQ10 because of its special “tail”. It actually raises CoQ10 levels an average of 20% – instead of blocking CoQ10 (the only known nutrient to boost CoQ10 within your body).
2. Cutting your total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol.
By reducing the enzyme HMG co-reductase (above), they can lower your total cholesterol by 15% more quickly than any natural remedy.
It is estimated that a 1% drop in LDL levels can reduce your overall risk of a heart problem by 2%. In several studies, tocotrienols produced a 15-20% reduction in their LDL levels in only 30-days. That’s significant.
3. Helps increase “good” HDL cholesterol
HDL cholesterol helps remove excess LDL from your blood. This gives protection against too much LDL cholesterol. For every 1% increase in HDL, your risk of a heart “event” drops 3-4%.
The problem is that it is very difficult to raise your HDL levels. Several studies found an increase of their “good” HDL cholesterol numbers by 4-8%. This is significant because to raise your HDL cholesterol numbers by 5% reduces heart events by 15-20%. That’s huge.
4. Tocotrienols reduce dangerous triglycerides.
“Trigs” can make the blood more sluggish, less capable of transporting oxygen and more fat in your system to plug up your blood vessels. Trigs (over 150 mg /deciliter) also indicate a serious risk for insulin resistance.
Again, participants in various studies were able to reduce blood triglycerides by a whopping 20-25%.
5. Reduce artery plaque.
C-reactive protein is thought to contribute to inflammation in blood vessel walls, increasing the rate at which artery plaque develops.
Guess what? Trienols decreased c-reactive protein levels 20-50%. Tocotrienols were many times more effective at reducing CRP than vitamin E.
Astonishing that one powerhouse nutrient can help you conquer all 5 major threats to your heart. And you can do it — without strenuous exercise, changes in diet or dangerous conventional therapies. And many other scientific studies support this conclusion too.
(And you don’t have to pay extra for tocotrienols.
They are included in our Ultimate Foundation
multi-vitamin, mineral, nutrients!)
Totcotrienols Lower Cholesterol – Early Human Study #1 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Qureshi AA, Qureshi N, Wright JJ, Shen Z, Kramer G, Gapor A, Chong YH, DeWitt G, Ong A, Peterson DM, et al.
Totcotrienols Lower Cholesterol – Early Human Study #2 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Tan DT, Khor HT, Low WH, Ali A, Gapor A.